Every year, the League convenes a member-driven legislative policy 开发ment process. An average of 150-200 city officials — councilmembers, 市长, staff from across the state — gather to review existing policies, 提出修改, draft new additions.

Policy committee members discuss a variety of viewpoints on city issues and come to consensus on policies that prioritize the principle of local control — the ability of each city government in Minnesota to be responsive to the unique needs of their community.

最终的LMC City Legislative Policies document is the only comprehensive statewide advocacy agenda for all Minnesota cities. The policies serve as the foundation of the League’s legislative and administrative advocacy efforts during the legislative session.

This graphic shows the timing of each step in our policy 开发ment process:


Graphic that depicts the LMC policy 开发ment process throughout the year

Major events in the policy 开发ment process

  • 在春天, all city officials are invited to volunteer for participation in policy committees. This opportunity is shared in League publications, social media, at League events, in trainings. City officials can choose one or more committees based on interest or expertise.
  • 在夏天, the League’s four legislative policy committees meet to review the most recent legislative session and its relevance to current city policies; discuss, 开发, finalize policies; and make specific policy recommendations to the League’s Board of Directors.
  • 秋天的时候, a draft of the League’s legislative policies is published online and distributed to members for comments. The League Board reviews member input, amends policies as needed, adopts the policies on behalf of members.
  • During the legislative session, the League’s legislative policies are the basis of our advocacy efforts at the Capitol. Should any policies need to be added or amended during this time, the League’s Board of Directors will review and approve these changes as necessary.

Read more about the four LMC policy committees